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Middle East Absue Pictures
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01) Kalki Avatar Letter For All. 
02) Iraq Abuse Pictures Slide Show. 
03) Middle East Conflict Pictures Slide Show. 
04) Iraq Abuse Pictures Icons Show.  
05) Middle East Conflict Pictures Icons Show. 
06) Message for Dawood Ibrahim behalf of Chotta Rajan. 
07) Finishing Touch. 
01) Kalki Avatar Letter For All.
Mr. Gadan
Dear Worldwide People, 

Subject: How Islam effecting by Iraq prisoner abuse and Middle East conflicts? 

       Dear all, How are you? I am writing message for worldwide people. Well, here I kept some Iraq prisoners abuse pictures and Middle East conflict pictures. These pictures represent present status and conditions of Middle East Muslims. Well, here I am going to explain how Iraq prisoners abuse and Middle East conflicts effecting World Islam and new generation Muslims youth! After reading this message if worldwide Muslims keep quit then no one in the world in a position to help Muslims in the world. All problems started by Yajuj Majuj. Yajuj Majuj hidden activities continuing for last 60 years. I gave so much strength to Muslims that no one in the world got that much strength in the world so far from Adam to till now. If Muslims start taking action on Yajuj Majuj after reading this message then worldwide people start thinking that Muslims has capable to do action on Yajuj Majuj if not Worldwide Muslims will be treated as living people without sense and will be senseless people and unfit to show face.

      My message for Mr. Gadan:  Do you see above picture? Well, is Mr. Gadan. Mr. Gadan requested one country to accept Islam. Mr. Gadan is nice man and his Qayamat Eid-Ul-Fitr wish will be fulfilled but all Muslims in the world in a position to give answer for below Iraq Abuse pictures and Middle East Conflict. New Islam members and their kids may get disturbance by looking at these pictures and while someone talking about these pictures. So you should be in a position to give strong answer for such evil activity. 
Kalki Avatar, 

02) Iraq Abuse Pictures Slide Show “Click Next”.

03) Middle East Conflict Pictures Slide Show “Click Next”.

04) Iraq Abuse Pictures Icons Show “Click On Icon”.
Click below Icon to get enlarge image
05) Middle East Conflict Pictures Icons Show “Click On Icon”.
Click below Icon to get enlarge image
06) Message for Dawood Ibrahim behalf of Chotta Rajan.
Dear Dawood Ibrahim, 

Subject: How to fix friendship between Dawood Ibrahim and Chotta Rajan

       Dear Dawood Ibrahim how are you? Well, you are world most popular underworld Don and many of Indians knows about it. You and Chotta Rajan were good friends before 1993 Bombay bombing. After Bombay bombing both separated and fighting each other. Bombay bombing happened after Babri Mosque demolition violence. If Bombay bombing had not happen then Dawood Ibrahim and Chotta Rajan wouldn’t have separated. To fix friendship between Dawood Ibrahim and Chotta Rajan I should write something behalf Chotta Rajan. Well, I am writing below message for Dawood Ibrahim behalf of Chotta Rajan, as you know Chotta Rajan has got English problem. 

      Dear Mr. Dawood Ibrahim,   

      Well, Mr. Dawood Ibrahim, I am Chotta Rajan. I know you got D-Company and you have many men working in D-Company. You did great Bombay bombing in 1993 March 12 that causes more then 257 lives death. You took revenge in response to Babri Mosque demolition violence. Since year 1993 your business grown up and now your business is international level. Your empire expanded in Europe. Since you did Bombay bombing in response to post Babri Mosque demolition violence then so what you did for Iraq illegal war violence? Well, Following things happened so far in Iraq.  

      1) Almost 200,000 Muslim people died in illegal Iraq war since year 2003. 
      2) Many houses got demolition in illegal Iraq war since year 2003. 
      3) Many Muslim prisoners got physically and sexually abused in Iraq Jail by Yajuj Majuj. 
      4) All females in one family got raped and later got killed that news became popular in news. 
      5) Yajuj Majuj looted oil from oil wells and many things happed in illegal Iraq war. 

      Since many things happened in Iraq then did you do any thing? But you did great bombing in Bombay in response to post Babri Mosque demolition violence that causes more then 257 death with 1,400 others injured. You have great empire in world but I ask you one question so far what you did? Did you explode at least one bomb in Yajuj Majuj country for last 4 years? As you know many people going to read this message. When many people read this message then what is the prestige of D-Company working man in allover the world? If you are not in a position to do anything in Yajuj Majuj country then at least try to fire Divali fireworks.  
      Chotta Rajan. 

       Well, Mr. Dawood Ibrahim above Chotta Rajan letter is enough to fix friendship problem between Dawood Ibrahim and Chotta Rajan. As you need you need many tie-up to do settlement on Yajuj Majuj. At last I want ask one question, what is difference between Mafia and Bandit? Well, Bandit is ancient word but Mafia word is modern word. Bandit work is rob money from rich people who don’t pay proper tax to government and hide money. When rich people don’t pay tax and hide money then people in society suffer. To avoid people suffering bandit rob money from rich people and distribute all category poor people. Bandit job is not illegal according to god law but illegal in civilian law. Doing drug trafficking is not job of bandits but it is job of doctors. In ancient times doctors used take care drugs. You are bandit not doctor, when you are not doctor how can you do drug trafficking? You can do only rob money from rich people who don’t pay tax and you can’t rob money from people who pay correct tax. Now I ask you question are you doing right job or not? Well, handling weapons is part of bandit work, as you know when bandit don’t handling with weapons people don’t get police jobs. I ask how much money you robed in Pakistan so far? Because in Pakistan some rich people also exist who don’t pay correct tax. I want to ask another question for both underworld leaders Dawood Ibrahim and Chotta Rajan. The question is, in your entire life did you kidnap any kid from rich family and demand rich family to donate huge amount to orphanage house in response to kid release? If you had done then by this time you wouldn’t have such a bad name. As you know some of your men in your organization were from homeless when they were kids. As you know police can’t trace in this such an operation and orphanage kids will have better life compared to high-ranking police officer kids. 

Kalki Avatar, 

07) Finishing Touch.
Great Highlight Iraq Abuse Picture.
Do World Wide Muslims keep quit after they see above picture? 
If they keep quite then Worldwide Muslims have some kind of invisible problem 
and worldwide people should think about it.
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Second Come of Jesus (Bible) 
Kalki Avatar (Hindu Holy Book). 
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