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God Judgment (Punishment) from Year 2000 AD

This Web Page contains following information.
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1) What are human evil properties? 
2) How Karma (Judgment) Chakra Works? 
3) How Kashmir South Asia Earthquake came? 
4) How Indonesia Tsunami happened? 
5) How GOD did USA Hurricane Katrina? 
6) How GOD destroyed USA from year 2000 to year 2003? 
7) Near future Earthquake in Bay Area/CA/USA!! 
8) How GOD creats Earthquake and Hurricane? 
09) Answer for AIDS Virus disease problem.. 
10) Where Jesus and Mary (Maria) dead Body Buried? 
1) What are human evil properties? 
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      "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies"  are evil qualities in every humans. These are the bad qualities that make human evil person. And because of evil people system gets corrupted. God appreciates the people who have control over these bad human properties. Person who are strong in one or more qualities of "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" will easily become rich and popular figure in the world compare to honest people because honest people will have control over qualities like "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies". People who are in Hell won't have control over "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" properties and people who are in Heaven will have control over "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies". GOD monitors everything in the world and universe. God gives Judgement (Karma Chakra) by based on Justice (Dharma Chakra) in matter of time (Kala Chakra).  And Judgement is a act of "Karma Chakra". No body escape from "Karma Chakra".   
The question is, Can we use qualities like "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies  for Justice? 

Answer: Yes, We can use, But based on Justification. Ex: Doctors says lie to patients that everything will be alright even though the patients will going to die. Here doctor justification, Doctors says lies because to make patients happiness for rest of their life. So this is Lie for Justice. We can you "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" qualities for Justice. So "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" should work on the bases of Justice. 
2) How Karma (Judgment) Chakra Works?
a) What is Chakras?
      God decides any one "Karma Chakra also called Judgement by based on their "Dharma Chakra and "Kala Chakra" . Here I mentioned Karma Chakra, Dharma Chakra, Kala Chakra which are nothing but Judgement wheel, Justice wheel and Time wheel. Every soul has records of there Chakras. Content of below table shows symbolic representation of Kala Chakra, Dharma Chakra and Karma Chakra. 
+ =
Kala Chakra
Dharma Chakra
Karma Chakra
Time Wheel
Justice Wheel
Judgement Wheel
b) What is Kala Chakra?
Kala Chakra 
(Time Wheel)
        Kala Chakra (Time Wheel) of soul starts from "Satya Yuga" and ends in "Kali Yuga". Every soul has Kala Chakra. As you know you can't say soul is male or female or anything, This will be decided by Dharma Chakra (Justice Wheel) and then soul enters in male or female or anything.  

      There are many kinds of Kala Chakra exists, "Yuga Kala Chakra", "Step Kala Chakra", "Life Kala Chakra", "Year Kala Chakra"..."Day Kala Chakra", "Seconds Kala Chakra" and it goes to "Micro seconds Kala Chakra". Here I mentioned "Micro seconds Kala Chakra" because humans thinks lot in Microseconds.  
      Yuga Kala Chakra is a top most (Outer Circle) in Kala Chakra next comes Step Kala Chakra (which will be next to inner Circle with respect to Yuga Kala Chakra) next come to Life Kala Chakra and so on. In Yuga Kala Chakra won't have name for soul but name of soul comes from Life Kala Chakra. Because Soul enters in body in "Life Kala Chakra" which will be male or female or anything.  
      More description about Kala Chakra (Time Wheel) will be described in  "Kala Chakra" section in front page of "". 

c) What is Dharma Chakra?
Dharma Chakra 
(Justice wheel)
        As I told you Dharma Chakra meaning Justice wheel. A person Justice wheel is depends on "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies". Life of Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel) not only depends on present life but also depends on previous life. I would tell you short way, Life of Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel) is life of Kala Chakra (Time Wheel) where Life of Kala Chakra (Time Wheel) is all four Yuga’s. Presently we are in Kali Yuga. 

      Every Soul has it won Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel), how Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel) depends? Person Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel) depends on implementation of human qualities like "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" on following things Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Hears, Hands, Legs, body and all organs. 

      Let us say short form "GOD don't care what you do, But he cares whether what do is effecting others or not, like making other to cry or making other sad making other happy". GOD will happy when people call GOD while people are happy. GOD will get mad when people call GOD while people are sad or crying. When people cry’s GOD are also cry’s, when GOD cry’s every body cry’s. Do you know what is that mean terror show i.e. natural disaster. So to avoid GOD cry you should stop people cry. GOD forgives when people do wrong first time unknowingly not for all repeated wrong. 

      If you use human properties "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" constructive way then GOD appreciate you because it is justified and it will be positive Karma Chakra. If you use human properties "Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies" destructive way then GOD shows nuts on you because it is not justified and it will be negative Karma Chakra. 

      More description about Dharma Chakra (Justice Wheel) will be described in "Dharma Chakra" section in front page of "". 

d) What is Karma Chakra?
Karma Chakra 
(Judgement weel)
        Karma Chakra (Judgement wheel) of soul decided by GOD by based rules of Dharma Chakra (Justice wheel) of soul in duration of Kala Chakra (Time Wheel). No body in the world can escape from Karma Chakra. When GOD decides to destroy the city he will consider lot of rules (Dharma) which are belongs to Justice also called Holy Books law. GOD won't cross limits of Holy Books law those are created by GOD to make people to follow. People who follow Holy book law he will have Good Karma, which is nothing but Heaven. Those who don't follow they should remember Hitler who created mental torture that is nothing but hell. GOD doesn’t care who are living or who are dieing but GOD care whether people are following Justice. When soul has next life then why body should worry for death. Death is a small pain and you feel when you alive but you won't feel after death. Effect of Karma will be there when you are alive or being soul.  

      Do you what is "Pancha Boot", "Pancha Boot" is nothing but "Air", "Water", "Fire", "Sand" and "Sky". Every human including creatures and trees made with "Pancha Boot". When GOD wants  give Karma (Punishment) he would punish humans by controlling "Pancha Boot" inside body or outside body. When GOD wants punish village or city or country he would use external "Pancha Boot". 

External "Pancha Boot" Punishment (Karma)
Internal "Pancha Boot" Punishment (Karma)
Air: Example Hurricane,  etc 
Water: Hurricane, Tornado, Floods, Rain etc 
Fire: House fire, Forest fire, Bus fire etc 
Sand: Earthquake, land slide, etc 
Sky: Plane crash, electric storm  etc
Air: Breathing problem etc 
Water: Dehydration etc 
Fire: Body temperature problem etc 
Sand: Diseases, etc 
Sky: Mental problem etc
         More description about Karma Chakra (Judgement Wheel) will be described in "Karma Chakra" section in front page of "". 
3) How "Kashmir South Asia Earthquake"  came?
Kashmir Earthquake was fulfillment of Najeeb Andrabi's wish.
      Did you see above person? His name is Najeeb Andrabi, because of his Kashmir earthquake happened. He is from Sri Nagar/Kashmir/India. He used to work with me when I was working in "Bank Of America". He is a nice guy and good friend of mine. Najeeb got depression because trouble what he saw in Kashmir and he got discriminated in Banglore ISRO organization because he is a Muslim. He told one day that I can’t see trouble any more I wish GOD destroy Kashmir. I still remember that sentence. I did analysis what is problem in Kashmir. I understood that Pakistan is main problem and they are sending terrorists to Indian Kashmir to kill innocent people and those terrorist are getting training in Azad Kashmir camps. According to GOD law "Any government can rule any place provided they should work for people, when people are getting justice from Government who cares who is ruling and what manner Government ruling. One country has boundary but not for people. Indian Govt. put boundary restriction in Kashmir border because terrorist coming from Pakistan occupied Kashmir camps but people in Pakistan occupied Kashmir did do restriction on terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, which is injustice. So as per Najeeb wish I created Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan occupied Kashmir by going into Yuga Nidra magic. I hope Najeeb is happy because I fulfilled his wish. As you I am nice guy, as per Koran I fulfill every body wish in Judgement days. If Pakistan jumps too much I will make them more happy then Kashmiris by Yoga Nidra. And it is a act of "Karma Chakra". No body can escape from "Karma Chakra". 

      I hope "Najeeb Andrabi" still alive do you want to contact him: But you should say him "Do you know person name "Veda Prakash" who used to work in "Bank Of America" in year 2001". Last time I contacted him in year 2001 while he was working in Web Methods. 

Mr. Najeeb Andrabi, 
Company: WebMethods,USA 
Tel: 408.962.5000 (Ask for Najeeb Andrabi)
4) How "Indonesia Tsunami"  happened?
      Do you know why Indonesia Tsunami came? The reason is because effect of 2004 Ramzan. Ramzan is beautiful festival for Muslims all over the world. Ramzan is top most festival for Muslims because this festival related to Koran. In Ramzan festival Muslims will be clean, ware clean dress, pray well and eat well. But one day before Ramzan festival in year 2004 Falluja City in Iraq completely destroyed by USA Army. Next day that is Ramzan festival day people in Falluja city don’t have water to drink, food to eat and don’t have place to stay in building. When people in Falluja City don’t have water to drink how can they take bath? With out bath how can people take pray GOD. With out pray how can they take food? So on Ramzan festival day in Falluja people did celebrate Ramzan festival. Many Muslims all over the world prayed GOD to punishment for this incident. So that day I wished my self with out any condition that on Christmas day christens should get gift that is similar way Muslims got the gift from christens on Ramzan festival in Falluja city. Since I didn’t put any condition for Christmas gift for christens, on Christmas Day Indonesia Tsunami came. Many fishermen and other people died in Indonesia Tsunami. That was the gift for christens on Christmas Day. Basically christens were came from Matsyas also called fish worshiper. Koran says that in judgement days every body will get everything. So, as you know I am nice guy I fulfill every body wish but you should remember that what way and what conditions you want punishment, If not you will get different kind of punishment. I hope you have understood how Indonesia Tsunami came. It is all about Yoga Nidra magic. And it is a act of "Karma Chakra". No body can escape from "Karma Chakra".  But Indonesia Tsunami shouldn't have happened because it was not exact Christmas gift for USA. 
5) How GOD did "USA Hurricane Katrina" ? 
      Do you know why USA Hurricane Katrina? You should read all matter in this section. The reason is because effect of 2004 Ramzan. Ramzan is beautiful festival for Muslims all over the world. Ramzan is top most festival for Muslims because this festival related to Koran. In Ramzan festival Muslims will be clean, ware clean dress, pray well and eat well. But one day before Ramzan festival in year 2004 Falluja City in Iraq completely destroyed by USA Army. Next day that is Ramzan festival day people in Falluja city don’t have water to drink, food to eat and don’t have place to stay in building. When people in Falluja City don’t have water to drink how can they take bath? With out bath how can people take pray GOD. With out pray how can they take food? So on Ramzan festival day in Falluja people did celebrate Ramzan festival. Many Muslims all over the world prayed GOD to punishment for this incident. So that day I wished my self with out any condition that on Christmas day christens should get gift that is similar way Muslims got the gift from christens on Ramzan festival in Falluja city. Since I didn’t put any condition for Christmas gift for christens, on Christmas Day Indonesia Tsunami came. Many fishermen and other people died in Indonesia Tsunami. That was the gift for christens on Christmas Day. Basically christens were came from Matsyas also called fish worshiper. Koran says that in judgement days every body will get everything. So, as you know I am nice guy I fulfill every body wish but you should remember that what way and what conditions you want punishment, If not you will different king of punishment. I hope you have understood how Indonesia Tsunami came. It is all about Yoga Nidra magic. But Indonesia Tsunami shouldn't have happened because it was not exact Christmas gift for USA. 

      After Indonesia Tsunami I realize that I should have put condition for Christmas gift for christens. Then I put condition to punishment for people who destroyed Falluja City. So I wished GOD to punishment for people that effect the USA. After some days Hurricane Katrina got hit USA. But in USA Hurricane Katrina, maximum people effected were Blacks (Africans), So That shouldn't have happened. Any way Christmas gift for christens over and Falluja city Judgement completed. I hope USA is happy for Christmas gift for christens caused by Ramzan gift for Muslims for Falluja. It is all about Yoga Nidra magic. And it is a act of "Karma Chakra". No body escape from "Karma Chakra". 

6) How GOD destroyed USA from year 2000 to year 2003?
      Before 23/Jan/2000 America (USA) used to have lot of Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies.  And it was in peek level. Before I entered America (USA) I my self told that America (USA) should get destruction. I entered in America on 23/Jan/2000, Las Angeles and returned from USA on 6/Sept/2003, location Delhi flight KLM kept my foot on Bharath at around  3:00am. In this period America faced lot of damages. America started recovering after I gave secret information regarding World Trade Center attack and Iraq war on 16/July/2003. So after 17/July/2003 America started doing damage control for USA. So question is what happen after I entered in America (USA) I mean what happened after 23/Jan/2000. 
    1) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: USA stock Market started decaying from 5500 points to down. 

    2) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: People in USA started loosing Jobs and started depending on social security benefits. 

    3) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: More College student girls started working in clubs and became s to pay money for college fee and for they needs. 

    4) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: More college students boys started sailing drugs to pay college fees and for they needs. 

    5) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: Stock was overvalued and became useless. 

    6) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: People couldn’t pay installments and started sailing their homes and filed for bankruptcy . People started moving one place to other place for job search. Many high skilled professionals started working for less salary in small jobs. Less skilled professionals lost their jobs. People started sailing their cars and immigrants left their cars and went to their country by steeling money from credit cards. 

    7) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: Drug trafficking got increased in USA. Many of them got addicted because of depression. 

    8) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: World Trade center destroyed by evil powers that causes economic collapse, bankrupts in many companies, loss of money, loss of people life’s, terror alerts, terror alerts color warning, loss of peace in people’s mind, loss of money for 911 investigation, loss of investments, loss of jobs, loss of properties, loss of peoples confidence, system collapse. 

    9) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: People infected by Anthrax Biological weapon. 

    10) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: Afghanistan war, loss of money, army mans and machinery. 

    11) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: Entering in Iraq war by mislead intelligence report, loss of USA name in world. Loss of man, money, army mans. America got more enemys then before. 

    12) From 23/Jan/2000 to 6/Sept/2003: Many things happened in USA from 23/Jan/200 to 6/Sept/2003. I saw peoples cry, sorrow and loss of hope in their faces in USA. 

      Many things happened in USA when my foots exist on USA soil. All happened because of my word power. My word power came out of my mouth because USA had lot of Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Lies. 

      In USA Government is rich but not people when people are not rich in USA how can USA is richest country in the world? When USA couldn’t figure out who did World Tread Center, how can people of USA says USA is genius and powerful country? When USA couldn’t win war over Iraq how can USA says USA is Super power? People in the world thinks that Iraq war is over but that is not true because major war will begin soon. This is just launch break and climax still on the way. 

      At last I shown mercy on USA by giving crucial information to Livermore police on 16/July/2003 that shows who did World Trade Center attack and what went wrong in Iraq war. Since 16/July/2003 USA came out of troubles, people are getting jobs, economy became normal and people are happy. If I had not given crucial information to Livermore police on 16/July/2003 by this time USA would have seen nuclear blast in USA as per Nostradamus predicted. Don’t you want to know what gift I got from USA Govt? Yes I got gift from USA, I got gift from USA from 23/July/2003 to 6/Sept/2003. If I want I would have paralysis GW Bush’s legs by using Yoga Nidra because he used to jump too much on world. If I had did it, by this time Bush would have been another USA President whose legs got paralysis. But I didn’t do because only two reasons (1) GW Bush mislead by false Intelligence reports in many occasions, (2) GW Bush did one and only good job that is kicking Taliban out of Afghanistan. 

7) Near future Earthquake in Bay Area/CA/USA!!
      Imaginary picture of future "predicted Earthquake in Bay Area in California"  state in America (USA) with the magnitude of more the 50 points in matrix graphical scale. Do you know how this earthquake looks like? Just like football (Soccer) game, You may ask how?  
    1) In Foot ball game: Audience scream like people scream in Bay Area earthquake just like people did in Iraq war. 

    2) In Foot ball game: Player runs like people run in Bay Area earthquake just like people did in Iraq war. 

    3) In Foot ball game: Ball roll like buildings roll in Bay Area earthquake just like Buildings roll in Iraq war. 

    4) In Foot ball game: Victory players lay on the ground like bodies float on water  in Bay Area earthquake just like bodies lay on ground in Iraq war. 

    5) In Foot ball game: Winner gets Trophy like GOD judgement in Bay Area earthquake just like America (USA) gave judgement in Iraq war. 

      So don't you think this is a party time for unhappy people because Foot ball game (Soccer)  is going to start. So it is all about Karma Chakra. As you know I am nice guy I want to see every body happiness, every body get happiness when they get Justice. I am going to fulfill every body's wish. It’s all about Yoga Nidra. GOD likes Nidra.
      Is there any way to avoid this problem? Yes there are 4 solutions to fix this problem. I can’t mention all solutions now but I can mention one solution for this problem i.e. Holy book Bible says long ago GOD kept Gays and Lesbians in one place and GOD created earthquake. So this was the gift for Gays and Lesbians. Holy Book Koran says that in Judgement days every body will get every thing. So don't you think this is the best method to fulfill Gays and Lesbians for their wishes in Judgement days? So this is GOD gift for Gays and Lesbians and this is the method going to happen in every judgement days in every end of the world. And it is a act of "Karma Chakra". No body escapes from "Karma Chakra".  
If you don't believe that Bay Area/California going to face Earthquake then click below links and see Earthquake effecting area map.
Click below links for Scientifc proof for earthquake
Near future, Earthquake effecting area in Bay Area in California America (USA)
8) How GOD creats Earthquake and Hurricane?
a) How God Creats Earthquake?
      Scientists say that Earthquake happens because of layers adjustment in under ground. And continents are moving up and down in world map because of earthquake. So what scientists are saying are false information, I am going to prove now. Read below section carefully.  
      Left picture contains one dot that represent one dot of below pictures, this dot represents that one calculated explosion. Multiple dots cause earthquake. This is called GOD's will calculated earthquake.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
      There are many kinds of earthquake are exists. Three graphical earthquake samples are mentioned above all dots are well-calculated atomic explosion to create earthquake and created by GOD for judgement. Don’t you have question that why 90% of earthquakes happens only in the places where many people exists and remaining 5% out of 10% earthquake happens in places where people don't exists and that no man zone earthquake that effects indirectly to places where more people stays. The question is how animals or creatures recognize pre earthquake why not humans? The answer is when GOD created creature do you think GOD can’t send signals to creature that earthquake going to come? Why GOD don't send signal to humans that earthquake going to come? The answer is GOD don't send signals to humans that earthquake going to come because coming earthquake meant for humans which is judgement for humans. The question is why Japan has maximum earthquake happening? For this question we need to check KARMA Chakra. 

      When human has capable to do atomic explosion do you think GOD can’t do well calculated atomic explosion to create earthquake? Bible says in judgement days when Jesus come second time world going to face natural disaster say Hurricane, Tornadoes, Forest fire, Earthquakes, Tsunami, disease, land slide, Floods, Heavy rains, Accidents etc. When Bible, Koran, Vedic Sastra and other holy books mentioned such disaster don't you think this is pre planed? And created by GOD. How record level earthquake happened in year 2005? Do you think because of under ground layers adjustment? No.  Since I told you how earthquake happens don't  you think "Can we avoid Bay area/California earth quake?". 

b) How God Creats Hurricane?
Black Hole
Swastik  Chakra
      Hurricanes and Tornados happens by based on Black Hole formula. When human has capable to do technical stuff do you think GOD can’t do Hurricane? Bible says in judgement days when Jesus come second time world going to face natural disaster say Hurricane, Tornadoes, Forest fire, Earthquakes, Tsunami, disease, land slide, Floods, Heavy rains, Accidents etc. When Bible, Koran, Vedic Sastra and other holy books mentioned such disaster don't you think this is pre planed? And created by GOD. How record level hurricane happened in year 2005? Do you think because global worming? No. The question is "How USA escaped Hurricane RITA?". Hurricane happens by based on Black Hole formula.  
Black hole Virtual Properties
09) Answer for AIDS Virus disease problem..
Above picture are scientific representation of DNA or Virus
      United Nation organization estimated huge number of death rate in year 2006 because of AIDS Virus. Maximum death will be in African Continent. So How to avoid such a painful death. Those who are going to die in this year will not able to see GOD judgement days. So, there are two ways to terminate AIDS Virus from patients who have got infected by AIDS Virus. (1) By using "Mu Koti Devata" Mantra  (2) Medicine in AyurVeda. 
Why GOD created AIDS disease problem? 
      GOD him self created AIDS disease problem to stop illegal Kama activity. If husband do Kama activity with only his wife then how husband gets AIDS? If wife do Kama activity with only with his husband then how wife gets AIDS? Many transient methods exist to get AIDS. But main reason AIDS exists to stop illegal Kama activity. People are started using condoms to stop AIDS Virus. I ask simple question, Do married couples need condoms? If you want Kama activity  go and marry or wait Kama activity till you get marry. If people continue illegal Kama activity by using condoms then time will come people going to see KISS Virus in world. Do you know Virus exists in liquid that is in human mouth? Kiss Virus disease doesn't have cure in Vedic Sastra. If any body gets KISS Virus then you can’t even kiss any kids.
      Did you see left symbol on Indian dress Sareys, on dress cloths and Hindu temples? What way this symbol related to AIDS Virus cure? Do Vedic Sastra says something about DNA (Virus). What way Vedic Sastra represented in this symbol? and Do DNA (Virus) has life?. If you see this picture in 3 dimensional (3D) view then you feel this is nothing but structure of DNA or also called Virus.
10) Where Jesus and Mary (Maria) dead Body Buried?
      Where Jesus disappeared?  People say Jesus mother Mary (Maria)dead body buried in Kashmir (in India). How it is possible when Mary left Jerusalem along with Jesus to heaven. If Jesus mother Mary(Maria) dead body buried in Kashmir (in India)then where Jesus dead body buried? Do you know person name call "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj"? People says that "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj” has been living for more then 2000 years and people also says that "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" met Jesus 2000 years back. That means "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" know where Jesus disappeared and his details. "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" is a monk also called saint and he lived more then 2000 years. Non of Monks (Saints) like to live more then 100 years because they don't like because they have nothing to do in life. Why "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" lived more then 2000 years? Do "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" lived 2000 years to tell people that where Jesus disappear? If you ask "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" about Jesus he will tell you lot of things about Jesus that makes you shock.. The question is where is  "Sri Ramlal Prabugi Maharaj" monk (Saint). As you know in Judgment days you should know truth about Jesus. 
Above middle picture is scientific image of Jesus developed by using cloth Image. 
Do you feel that Jesus was a black and normal looking?

      If Jesus had crucified (death) on cross then how he appeared after 3 days along Mary and told Jesus to people that I am leaving to heaven. But mother Mary also left the Jerusalem along with Jesus with out Mary's death. Before Jesus crucified, What really happened in final day when Jesus and his followers were in the cave and Jesus told his followers not to sleep when followers were trying hard to sleep?  

      As you know Virus (DNA) never dies so collect DNA from 2005 years old cloth. You will find his skin color and his face. You can make Jesus like man by using cloning method but that person won't have Jesus soul. Do you want to compare Jesus DNA with my DNA? if you want you can weast your time. If you find place where Jesus buried then you can test "Jesus DNA"  of bones with 2005 years old cloth DNA. Good luck. 

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